Tuesday, 14 May 2013

My Sweet Ride

I've borrowed a wonderful vintage bicycle from a family friend in town for this week and my Sweet Ride has tons of history and character. Sina asked me to take good care of the bike, since it is very dear to her. She bought it in '62 and she and her husband rode it to the courts to get married.
Since the roads had dried a bit during the night, I mounted my Sweet Ride this morning and rode with fresh energy, wobbly pedals and wonky tires and a big joyful grin on my face to the cultural center. (For your information, most people here drive SUV's or giant pick-up trucks...not everyone has such a sweet ride as I do).

We got some rain again during the day and Verena warned me that the roads were terrible. She offered to pick me up, but I declined graciously. My bravery led me through 2km of ankle-deep mud with sliding tires in almost complete darkness. There were only a few street lamps, but thanks to a small LED bike light from Mountain Equipment Co-op in my pocked and my steady Sweet Ride, I can proudly say I didn't even have to put my foot down, although I was spattered with mud from head to toe. I hope I killed most (all!!!) of the mosquitoes in my bedroom so I can sleep in peace.

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